Dalla biblioteca di Vivaldi? Sue-Ying Koang, Vincent Bernhardt, Diana Vinagre, Parsival Castro

This album is devoted to a manuscript of anonymous sonatas for violin and basso continuo copied by J.G. Pisendel likely during his stay in Italy in 1716-1717 and more particularly in Venice where he met Vivaldi.

The manuscript Mus. 1-R-70 is kept in the Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek in Dresden in the Schrank II collection, a collection largely assembled by Pisendel during his many years as head of instrumental music in the Saxon court orchestra.

Details :

Year : 2021

Label : Calliope

Length : 55 min 17 s – 28 tracks

Composers : A. Vivaldi (?), J.F. Schreyvogel, J.D. Heinichen, Anonymous

Artists: Sue-Ying Koang, Vincent Bernhardt, Diana Vinagre, Parsival Castro

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Excerpts from the album :