This album is devoted to a manuscript of anonymous sonatas for violin and basso continuo copied by J.G. Pisendel likely during his stay in Italy in 1716-1717 and more particularly in Venice where he met Vivaldi.
The manuscript Mus. 1-R-70 is kept in the Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek in Dresden in the Schrank II collection, a collection largely assembled by Pisendel during his many years as head of instrumental music in the Saxon court orchestra.

Year: 2021
Label: Calliope
Duration: 55’17” – 28 tracks
Composers: A. Vivaldi (?), J.F. Schreyvogel, J.D. Heinichen, Anonymous
Sue-Ying Koang, violin
Vincent Bernhardt, harpsichord/organ
Diana Vinagre, cello
Parsival Castro, theorbo/guitar
“A delightful ornamental madness from the solo part (excellent Sue-Ying Koang!)”
Roger-Claude Travers, Diapason n° 708 (in French), 02/2022
“The musicians in this production offer exciting confrontations and thus make the differences between the compositions extremely clear. Another characteristic is the seriousness of the interpretative intention. For this ensemble, it’s not a question of stripping away, or making shreds, but of making music in a vital, gestural and fulfilling way.”
Norbert Tischer, Pizzicato (in German), 02/12/2021