Italiani europei: the influence of Italian violinists in the Age of Enlightenment

Sonatas for violin and basso continuo by Vivaldi, Veracini, Torelli & Caldara

Sue-Ying Koang, violin

Vincent Bernhardt, harpsichord

In the 18th century, Italy exerted an unparalleled influence in the field of music. This is where musicians from all over Europe came to train. On the strength of this reputation, certain Italian musicians disseminated their music beyond the transalpine borders either by publishing scores abroad, as Vivaldi did, or by traveling, or even by making a career abroad.

The violin composers of this program of sonatas for violin and basso continuo are four: Giuseppe Torelli, making occasional trips to Ansbach and Vienna; Francesco Maria Veracini, who lived for several years in London and Dresden; Antonio Caldara, who spent the last twenty years of his life in Vienna; and Antonio Vivaldi, who in his old age decides to leave for Austria.

Dates : May 20 & 21 2023 – Alternative title: Splendor of Italian violin


